Parkeston Cemetery is a secure, secluded area promoting a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.  The cemetery has a closed area dating back to 1905.

There is also an open area, still accepting burials or interment of ashes. Please see links below with further details.

Cemetery Pic Website

The Cemetery Lodge within the boundary is rented bringing in an income that is re-invested into the cemetery.


Project work during 2018/19 has led to a refurbishment of the Parish Chapel within the cemetery grounds; it is now weatherproof and able to be used for services or quiet reflection for visitors attending interments

Chapel replacement window April 2013

Following the closure of St Paul’s Church, Parkeston in 2014, the memorials to those lost in the two World Wars from Parkeston have been re-instated within the Chapel porch; these can be viewed by contacting the Clerk.

Parkeston Cemetery Open Area Plan

Parkeston Cemetery Closed Area Plan

Notice of Interment

To Erect and Maintain a Memorial

Cemetery fees

Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial