The Welfare Park Parkeston



The site of the Welfare Park was purchased in 1923 by 3 local gents, re-mortgaging their private homes to provide a safe play area for the children of the village; in giving this commitment they asked in return that the area is kept privately owned by the village with a condition that the area is used purely as a safe haven for the youngsters of the village.



The upkeep of the park has been run ever since by a committee of local volunteers who, through their hard work and commitment has seen a complete revamp of the area to allow access for children all ages and all physical abilities with an area for picnics.


The Committee is governed by conditions of  insurers and government legislation with the committee adopting fully all regulations of health & safety. with an annual check of all equipment carried out in line with RoSPA.

The Ramsey & Parkeston Parish Council included the grass cutting under contract that falls within the annual precept; this now relieves the overstretched volunteers from being ‘hands-on maintenance’ to ‘fundraisers and managers’;  who are very ambitious in continuing to make the area a modern, fun, active area for all ages.

To get involved or find out what is being planned contact the Chairman of the Welfare Park Committee,

 Mr Bill Davidson by email here.